Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

Light Armor | Heavy Armor | Powered Armor
Armor Upgrades

AbadarCorp CelPro

For situations where heavy armor might be a faux-pas, AbadarCorp designed the CelPro (Celebrity Protection) line. Comprised of metal and polyceramic, reinforced with concealed contingent forcefields like their Travel Suit line, this heavy armor resembles mundane, if somewhat bulky, clothing— typically full-length gowns, coats, or business suits. An observer who succeeds at a Perception check (DC 10 + the armor’s level + the wearer’s Charisma modifier) can discern the outfit’s armored nature.

AbadarCorp CelPro, Local

Source Tech Revolution pg. 52
Level 2; Price 900; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +2; KAC Bonus +4; Max. Dex Bonus +3
Armor Check Penalty -1; Speed Adjustment –5 ft.
Upgrade Slots 0; Bulk 1

AbadarCorp CelPro, Elite

Source Tech Revolution pg. 52
Level 6; Price 5,100; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +8; KAC Bonus +10; Max. Dex Bonus +4
Armor Check Penalty -1; Speed Adjustment –5 ft.
Upgrade Slots 1; Bulk 1

AbadarCorp CelPro, Idol

Source Tech Revolution pg. 52
Level 10; Price 18,100; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +13; KAC Bonus +15; Max. Dex Bonus +4
Armor Check Penalty -1; Speed Adjustment –5 ft.
Upgrade Slots 2; Bulk 1

AbadarCorp CelPro, Stellar

Source Tech Revolution pg. 52
Level 14; Price 75,500; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +17; KAC Bonus +19; Max. Dex Bonus +5
Armor Check Penalty -2; Speed Adjustment –5 ft.
Upgrade Slots 3; Bulk 1

AbadarCorp CelPro, Galactic

Source Tech Revolution pg. 52
Level 18; Price 380,000; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +23; KAC Bonus +25; Max. Dex Bonus +5
Armor Check Penalty -2; Speed Adjustment –5 ft.
Upgrade Slots 4; Bulk 1